Mini Somatics Course: Prepping Your Nervous System for the Holidays
*Journey to Joy members: join via the link in our membership portal to receive discounted rate!
Shopping… planning… cooking… hosting… the hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a joyful time of year. And, make no doubt, it can be stressful, wreaking havoc on a dysregulated nervous system. Take a moment to accept the duality: we can love this time of year, and it can be a LOT.
I invite you to prepare your nervous system with some strategies to confidently handle whatever this holiday season throws your way (yes, even that one uncle who has a talent for looping everyyyyy conversation back to politics (in an election year, to boot)).
Join me LIVE December 2, 9 and 16 from 6:30-8:00 p.m
for a mini-somatics course on Nervous System Holiday prep.
*replays will be sent!
*Journey to Joy members: join via the link in our membership portal to receive discounted rate!
Journey-to-Joy Members: $88
Non-Members (or, as I like to call you-possible future members!): $111
BONUS: Pre-register by 11/11 and receive 1 month free of the new Neurofit App PLUS a 20 minute Somatic mini session with me!
Who is this for?
Party hosts + party goers
People who haven’t completed all their holiday shopping, or who usually waits until the last possible minute (I am guilty!)
Parents creating literal magic for their little ones (I see you, moms and dads. You are rockstars.)
Those traveling for the holidays
Anyone who wants more capacity for JOY this holiday season!
Do you often wait until a new week, a new month or a new year to begin again or take a pause and reflect? Do you wait until you feel like you can’t take it another moment until you begin a new way? Imagine changing that pattern and in the midst of the chaos you take a moment for, well, YOU!
This 3-week nervous system reboot is a wonderful way to reflect, restore and regroup BEFORE the holidays and the usual resolutions.
Get your system holiday (aka stress!) ready by learning the language of the body. Learn how to build a relationship with your nervous system by inviting curiosity, heaps of self-care and compassion during what is often the most difficult, exciting, stressful season of the year.
December 2, 9 and 16 from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
*replays will be sent!
*Journey to Joy members: join via the link in our membership portal to receive discounted rate!
Meet Your Guide
Helene Verdile, Life Coach
I believe that healing is possible for everyone. I believe in being committed to living the highest possible version of my life and I believe that you can do this too. I am here to help you claim, discover and ignite your truest and most vibrant self.
It is my greatest desire to teach others to drop the chaos, anxiety, busyness, negativity and stress and to live a life of joy.
I would be honored to support you on your journey.