Emotional Wellness Resources
Mini Somatics Course: Prepping Your Nervous System for the Holidays
Shopping… planning… cooking… hosting… the hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a joyful time of year. And, make no doubt, it can be stressful, wreaking havoc on a dysregulated nervous system.
Join me LIVE December 2, 9 and 16 from 6:30-8:00 p.m
for a mini-somatics course on Nervous System Holiday prep.
Mindfulness Talk
Mindfulness is a powerful player in healing chronic stress, anxiety, illness. In fact, scientific research shows that five minutes of daily meditation can lower your stress levels, strengthen your well-being and even soothe physical aches and pains.
10 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Anywhere
In a world that moves faster than a caffeine-fueled squirrel, finding a moment of peace can feel like trying to catch said squirrel – it's nearly impossible
My Favorite Books for Somatics, Meditation, Polyvagal and Nervous System Healing
If you know me, you know I LOVE to learn! When I first began my nervous system healing journey, I had my eyes opened to the connection between our minds, emotions and bodies with some of these books. These are all available on Amazon (yay, free 2-day shipping!) and many have e-book/audiobook options as well.
Practicing Mindfulness In The Workplace
If our minds are preoccupied with the workday before we even clock in, it can be difficult or nearly impossible to be present in other areas of our lives, like our mornings. It doesn’t have to be this way.
What is Somatic Healing?
Science tell us that our body has the innate ability to heal. With gentle guidance, each person can find their own answers inside of their own bodies. We can begin to recognize that our emotions, anxiety and stress responses are all signals from our bodies, guiding us to what we need.
3 Quick Self-Compassion Exercises to Help Overcome Self Limiting Beliefs
Learning how to recognize — and break — those patterns of self-limiting beliefs is a journey and, like most other things in life, requires PRACTICE! I’ve put together three quick exercises to help you overcome those little voices of doubt. Step by step, you CAN step in the direction of excitement, anticipation and confidence.